[OSGeo-Discuss] Code of Conduct in Real Case

Peter Baumann p.baumann at jacobs-university.de
Thu Jun 25 00:48:02 PDT 2015

On 06/25/15 09:26, Pat Tressel wrote:
> The conversation has gone on to the question of diversity in STEM fields, but
> if I can return to the original presentation for a moment...
> Perhaps we could look at it from a different perspective, namely, that of
> marketing and branding.  Is this an effective advertisement?  Does it
> accomplish the intended purpose?  (Full disclosure:  I'm not a professional,
> though I have worked for an advertising placement company.  I am, however,
> very much a fan of good advertising and follow industry news.)
> Let's say we don't know what the purpose is.  What can we extract from the
> presentation itself?  The majority of the presentation is selling "other
> reasons" to attend FOSS4G 2015 besides the content of the conference itself. 
> A significant portion advertises travel to Seoul, and includes traditional
> travel themes -- culture, entertainment, food, sights.  Another has the
> feeling of a business development promotion.  Another portion emphasizes
> interaction with other attendees, and especially fun interaction.
> What can we infer about the intended audience?  With the exception of the
> three elements discussed in this thread, the presentation appears neutral. 
> The Dali image, Girls' Generation, and multiple images of alcoholic beverages
> are elements that would appear intended to appeal to a specific demographic,
> unmarried men below middle-age. 

no, plainly wrong.

> (Girls Generation is a group assembled by SM Entertainment, whose founder says
> the group is intended to appeal to men aged 30-40. 

this is not something to generalize to art and beer (combination tentative).

> However, they now have a significant female fan base in Japan.)

so statement above proven wrong.

> Next, how effective is it?  The presentation does not appear intended to stand
> on its own.  I'm assuming that these slides were used with a verbal
> presentation?  For instance, as others have noted, the meaning of the Dali
> image sequence is obscure -- it does not work without explanation.  To make it
> work without a verbal pitch, ask, for each section, does the lead-in slide
> adequately establish what is being promoted in that section?  And for each
> slide, ask, does this need a better caption?
> Given that this is promoting attendance based on things that are not part of
> the conference itself, it would be good to make that explicit right in the
> first slide.  If it's intended to also promote the conference program, that
> might work better as a separate presentation, rather than trying to glue it
> onto this one.
> If the three elements in question would be off-putting to some potential
> attendees, it would be easy to replace at least the Dali image and the beer
> images.  Note in a professional advertising campaign, the question would not
> be, can we get away with this? but rather, is it possible that this will turn
> away potential customers in our intended demographic, or could this in any way
> diminish our brand or cause a negative reaction?  So *if* the question of
> offense comes up at all, then that would trigger fixing that part of the
> advertisement.
> I gather the point of the Dali sequence is to say that something can appear as
> one thing from afar, and otherwise close up.  Perhaps use a photo mosaic image
> instead?  (These are images constructed of many small images.)  The beer
> images are jarring not so much because they feature alcohol, but because there
> are so many of them -- they are out of proportion to any other type of image. 
> I'd recommend dropping slides 37-41 and keeping only 42 (which is a better
> image than 41).  Similarly, for the food images (the second longest sequence),
> instead of multiple slides, tile them into one slide.

see my recent post about Beckmesser.

> The Girls Generation picture is more problematic, because they are a
> legitimate and popular group.  Two things were jarring to me.  First, that was
> the *only* "culture" image.  There are other aspects to Seoul culture besides
> K-pop.  A montage of several images showing a range of cultural aspects would
> de-emphasize the "sex" aspect.  Second, with the exception of the Dali image,
> the appearance of a "sexy" image was unexpected.  Note that part of the
> problem is that not many people outside of Asia will recognize Girls
> Generation -- they will just see young women in provocative dress and poses. 
> (For contrast, ~everyone on the planet would recognize Psy.)
> Finally, please don't be offended, but, it would also be good to get advice
> from a graphic designer, and also have someone proofread the text.

diversity - can we accept that non-English-natives have typos on their slides?

Let me suggest to establish an OSGeo Committee of Censorship (CoC) to formalize
all the criticism.


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Dr. Peter Baumann
 - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen
   mail: p.baumann at jacobs-university.de
   tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178
 - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 26793)
   www.rasdaman.com, mail: baumann at rasdaman.com
   tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882
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