[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America selection process

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon May 4 13:30:59 PDT 2015

+0 Process looks fine. I live outside the NA region, and hence haven't 
voted so far (and am happy if my vote is over-ruled).
Cameron Shorter

On 4/05/2015 11:28 pm, Andrew Ross wrote:
> Dear Everyone,
> For those interested in participating, the team has now called for 
> approval on the governance for FOSS4G North America. Thus far, 7 
> people have voted, and support is unanimous so far.
> Voting is taking place on the FOSS4G NA selection list 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/foss4gna_selection>. The 
> deadline is end of day this Wednesday, May 6th.
> Since we came into this without a formal way of making decisions & 
> approving, we're going to us a rough consensus process to ratify the 
> first version. We're hoping that a good number of people weigh in.
> If you feel so inclined, please communicate your feelings by voting on 
> the above list as follows:
> +1, you support it
> 0, you abstain
> -1, you cannot support it
> Just in case you cannot support it, please be kind to share why & 
> hopefully we can address.
> Kind regards,
> Andrew
> On 22/04/15 20:37, Andrew Ross wrote:
>> Dear Everyone,
>> (x-posted to OSGeo & LocationTech discussion lists, please fwd to all 
>> interested parties)
>> As a fairly new conference, FOSS4G North America has lacked a formal 
>> selection process in terms of how to select which city/venue, who was 
>> organizing, and more. Until now...
>> A team of concerned people from the community including many past 
>> chairs of North American FOSS4G events have collaborated to draft a 
>> proposal for how FOSS4G North America will be governed.
>> On behalf of the team, we would like to invite you to review the 
>> draft and participate in the process. The review period will last 
>> until April 29th. After which, we will enact the process for FOSS4G 
>> NA 2016.
>> The governance document is available publicly here 
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WlgmJgtl0LaV0EO0NtDDSnloTgsIvxu9KwddPDwX1WU/edit#>. 
>> Anyone can comment. All discussion takes place via. a Google group 
>> here <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/foss4gna_selection>.
>> A brief summary is as follows:
>> The city & venue selection process will be conducted by a committee 
>> consisting of:
>>   * The 3 most recent FOSS4G NA chairs
>>   * One appointed representative from OSGeo
>>   * One appointed representative from LocationTech
>> The committee will select the next conference location factoring 
>> their votes, plus votes from attendees & sponsors from the previous 
>> conference. The same committee will also select the organization to 
>> run the logistics for the conference. The conference chair will be 
>> elected at the previous conference by conference attendees.
>> If you're interested, please do join the Google group to discuss and 
>> participate. Thanks in advance.
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrew
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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