[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America selection process

Andrew Ross andrew.ross at eclipse.org
Tue May 12 13:48:16 PDT 2015

Dear Everyone,

An update on this. The governance for FOSS4G North America was ratified 
with 17 votes supporting and 0 opposed. I would like to thank the many 
people who contributed to its creation. Thank you!

To complete the core committee and get rolling on 2016, we require 
someone to serve as the representative for OSGeo. If you are interested 
in serving this role, please reach out to me on or off list. The time 
commitment is approximately 5 to 20 hours per year.

Thank you to Jim Hughes for agreeing to represent LocationTech.

Kind regards,


On 04/05/15 09:28, Andrew Ross wrote:
> Dear Everyone,
> For those interested in participating, the team has now called for 
> approval on the governance for FOSS4G North America. Thus far, 7 
> people have voted, and support is unanimous so far.
> Voting is taking place on the FOSS4G NA selection list 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/foss4gna_selection>. The 
> deadline is end of day this Wednesday, May 6th.
> Since we came into this without a formal way of making decisions & 
> approving, we're going to us a rough consensus process to ratify the 
> first version. We're hoping that a good number of people weigh in.
> If you feel so inclined, please communicate your feelings by voting on 
> the above list as follows:
> +1, you support it
> 0, you abstain
> -1, you cannot support it
> Just in case you cannot support it, please be kind to share why & 
> hopefully we can address.
> Kind regards,
> Andrew
> On 22/04/15 20:37, Andrew Ross wrote:
>> Dear Everyone,
>> (x-posted to OSGeo & LocationTech discussion lists, please fwd to all 
>> interested parties)
>> As a fairly new conference, FOSS4G North America has lacked a formal 
>> selection process in terms of how to select which city/venue, who was 
>> organizing, and more. Until now...
>> A team of concerned people from the community including many past 
>> chairs of North American FOSS4G events have collaborated to draft a 
>> proposal for how FOSS4G North America will be governed.
>> On behalf of the team, we would like to invite you to review the 
>> draft and participate in the process. The review period will last 
>> until April 29th. After which, we will enact the process for FOSS4G 
>> NA 2016.
>> The governance document is available publicly here 
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WlgmJgtl0LaV0EO0NtDDSnloTgsIvxu9KwddPDwX1WU/edit#>. 
>> Anyone can comment. All discussion takes place via. a Google group 
>> here <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/foss4gna_selection>.
>> A brief summary is as follows:
>> The city & venue selection process will be conducted by a committee 
>> consisting of:
>>   * The 3 most recent FOSS4G NA chairs
>>   * One appointed representative from OSGeo
>>   * One appointed representative from LocationTech
>> The committee will select the next conference location factoring 
>> their votes, plus votes from attendees & sponsors from the previous 
>> conference. The same committee will also select the organization to 
>> run the logistics for the conference. The conference chair will be 
>> elected at the previous conference by conference attendees.
>> If you're interested, please do join the Google group to discuss and 
>> participate. Thanks in advance.
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrew

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