[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Geoprocessing on the Web – Science-driven and Community-driven: Call for Contributions

Ann Hitchcock a.hitchcock at 52north.org
Tue May 5 01:46:12 PDT 2015

*** Sorry for any cross posting***
Are you using or developing scientific models? //Are you using or 
developing geoprocessing functionality?//
Are you interested in online collaboration and usage in regards to 
scientific models or geoprocessing and don't want to worry about 
technical details?/

The Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) jointly organizes an AGILE 
Workshop with the University of Salzburg and 52°North. The workshop 
"Geoprocessing on the Web – Science-driven and Community-driven" [1] 
aims to bring together current and future developers and users of online 
geoprocessing technology for demonstrating solutions and providing best 
practice examples. It takes place at the AGILE Conference 2015 in Lisbon 
Portugal on June 9, 2015.

Contributions for short presentations are due by May 15, 2015.

[1] http://purl.org/net/agile-geoprocessing-15

Ann Hitchcock
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Muenster, Germany
tel. +49 (0)251 396371 -21
fax: +49 (0)251 396371 -11

General Managers:
Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

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