[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

Andrea Ross andrea.ross at eclipse.org
Fri Nov 13 02:39:22 PST 2015

Dear Maria,

Hopefully the choice of license for a project, or in this case choices for licenses by a group of projects are not cause for outrage. Each project will choose what makes sense to them, and that's a great thing.

This is very common. Apache has chosen the Apache license. Mozilla the MPL. Eclipse was EPL focused for a while, but now allows a bunch of choice and that list keeps growing.

For what it's worth, these choices are rarely made out of ignorance. 

It is the viral nature of the GPL & AGPL that keeps projects using those licenses out if LocationTech & Eclipse for now. That may change, or not, in response to the members and projects that govern want in time. 

Personally, I understand all license choice perspectives, and respect them. I say this as someone who's been making a living in FOSS for 25 years.

Hope this helps a bit,


On November 13, 2015 9:45:23 AM GMT+01:00, "María Arias de Reyna" <delawen+osgeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:41 AM, María Arias de Reyna
><delawen+osgeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I answer myself, yes, they filter by name. And explicitly forbid GPL
>> https://www.locationtech.org/faq-questions-inline
>> Which licenses does LocationTech allow?
>> The following licenses are allowed at LocationTech without special
>> EPL
>> EDL (BSD)
>> MIT
>> Apache v2
>> Other licenses might be considered based on approval of the
>> LocationTech Steering Committee and Eclipse Foundation board.
>> The following licenses are not allowed at LocationTech:
>> GPL (v2 & v3)
>For me this is a major outrage, but I understand that OSGeo is focused
>on open software, not on free software. (Remember: free includes open,
>open doesn't include free).
>So I would understand collaborations between LocationTech and OSGeo,
>where open is the key and not freedom. And we have found a big
>difference between both organizations: we are more open and more free.
>Maybe they still believe that they cannot do bussiness over GPL
>derived licenses. And as wrong as they are, if their main focus is on
>bussiness, it is understandable they are afraid of freedom.
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