[OSGeo-Discuss] Renaming FOSS4G

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Sat Oct 10 06:12:40 PDT 2015

Am 2015-10-07 22:21, schrieb Stephen Woodbridge:
> +1 on the less is more and on renaming.
> Marketing is about establishing a brand (among other things).
> It is clear who owns the OSGeo brand.
> Who owns the FOSS4G brand belong to?
> what is the added value of supporting this brand? and potentially
> diluting or confusing the OSGeo brand?
> Many brands have tag lines. Maybe adding a tag line would add to OSGeo
> whatever people feel FOSS4G has that OSGeo does not.
> OSGeo - Bringing free open source geospatial software to the world!
> Or whatever is appropriate.
> -Steve
> On 10/7/2015 4:08 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> +1 for "OSGeo conference".
>> Adding a perspective from someone who marketed FOSS4G 2009.
>> Creating a marketing message is all about minimising words used, 
>> because
>> "less words get read more".
>> When explaining FOSS4G to people outside our community you need to 
>> use:
>> "international conference for Free and Open Source Software for
>> GeoSpatial (FOSS4G), presented by the Open Source Geospatial 
>> Foundation
>> (OSGeo)."
>> vs
>> "international Open Source Geospatial (OSGeo) conference"
>> This is a good question to put to the charter members for a vote at 
>> some
>> point.
>> On 8/10/2015 1:39 am, Marc Peterson wrote:
>>>> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-
>>>> bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Barry Rowlingson
>>>> Yes, you and I and everyone *on this mailing list* knows
>>>> the difference and the relationship between OSGeo and FOSS4G. But
>>>> there are people out there in geospatial who don't know either.
>>> Emphatic +1
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I like the name FOSS4G and would perfer to keep it.


- same name is sometimes confusing. We have the german language local 
chapter FOSSGIS e.V. and annual german language FOSSGIS conference 
hosted by FOSSGIS e.V., OSM Community and OSGeo. Sometimes it is not 
clear what you are talking about - the local chapter or the conference.


- I liked jeffs Mail (Tue Oct 6 12:30:53 
https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-October/015035.html) with 
the description how a FOSS4G should work. How OSGeo should be present 
during the conference with talks and a booth and so on. So in the end 
people will leave the conference and will know about OSGeo and FOSS4G

- FOSS4G is already a well known name. I would prefer to always add: 
FOSS4G Conference hosted by OSGeo



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