[OSGeo-Discuss] parcel data in US

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Thu Oct 15 02:25:22 PDT 2015

Hi Jachym,

The first place I would look for USA parcel data is data.gov. The portal 
could be considered as an official gov aggregator of data. Therefore, if 
a gov agency has it then there you should find it (open or just 
reference to it).

Open Knowledge[1] is conducting a worldwide open data census[2]. This 
year, they introduced land ownership info. I am copy-pasting here what 
has been submitted by volunteers on US, related to the subject:

"It does not seem that federal / national government has a database... 
The Bureau of Land Management has a pretty antiquated website[3] that 
does not have a great cadastre survey page. There is a company[4] that 
sells parcel-level data, and a client they note is the government. The 
state of Montana has a pretty good cadastre map[5] and Oregon[6] 
something similar but I don’t think there is a national map that has all 
the aggregated cadastre maps."

[1]: [https://okfn.org/]
[2]: [http://global.census.okfn.org/]
[3]: http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/cadastralsurvey.html
[4]: http://www.corelogic.com/products/parcelpoint.aspx
[5]: http://svc.mt.gov/msl/mtcadastral/
[6]: http://www.ormap.net/flexviewer/index.html

I would mention that the submitted info has not yet been reviewed.

Best regards,

On 15/10/15 11:09, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> Hi,
> (sorry for cross posted and slightly off-topic mail)
> for business purpose, I was asked to find out, where we could get some
> parcel data in USA - not necessary for free (assumed, we would like to
> start our business with the data, reasonable prise is expected).
> Could anybody point me to agency/private business company, who is
> providing such kind of data? Where would you say is the best starting point?
> Thanks for hints
> Jachym
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