[OSGeo-Discuss] parcel data in US

Emma Strong eestrong118 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 06:20:33 PDT 2015

Oh my, that is quite an undertaking!!  Just in my little corner of the
States (south Mississippi) you're lucky if the county has parcels (or GIS
even), and then you're lucky if they will share it with you!  Many counties
in the area contract their parcel spatial management out to private
companies, and then they have to buy it back from them.

 Most of the counties in my state have at least CAD parcels, but then they
pay a third party contractor to convert that into a GIS file.  The US
Census has the best street and address data of the country, but they share
very little because of privacy laws.  Hopefully other states have better
data (and data management), but the only way I know to access parcels in
Mississippi is county by county (which unfortunately I have to do for my
job for 15 counties).

I know there are several counties in the country that have adopted a form
of Open Data standards, but still, it's county by county.  It may be easier
to narrow down your search area, especially if you need the most recent
public data.  Good luck!!

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:25 AM, Codrina Maria Ilie <codrina at geo-spatial.org
> wrote:

> Hi Jachym,
> The first place I would look for USA parcel data is data.gov. The portal
> could be considered as an official gov aggregator of data. Therefore, if a
> gov agency has it then there you should find it (open or just reference to
> it).
> Open Knowledge[1] is conducting a worldwide open data census[2]. This
> year, they introduced land ownership info. I am copy-pasting here what has
> been submitted by volunteers on US, related to the subject:
> "It does not seem that federal / national government has a database... The
> Bureau of Land Management has a pretty antiquated website[3] that does not
> have a great cadastre survey page. There is a company[4] that sells
> parcel-level data, and a client they note is the government. The state of
> Montana has a pretty good cadastre map[5] and Oregon[6] something similar
> but I don’t think there is a national map that has all the aggregated
> cadastre maps."
> [1]: [https://okfn.org/]
> [2]: [http://global.census.okfn.org/]
> [3]: http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/cadastralsurvey.html
> [4]: http://www.corelogic.com/products/parcelpoint.aspx
> [5]: http://svc.mt.gov/msl/mtcadastral/
> [6]: http://www.ormap.net/flexviewer/index.html
> I would mention that the submitted info has not yet been reviewed.
> Best regards,
> Codrina
> On 15/10/15 11:09, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
>> Hi,
>> (sorry for cross posted and slightly off-topic mail)
>> for business purpose, I was asked to find out, where we could get some
>> parcel data in USA - not necessary for free (assumed, we would like to
>> start our business with the data, reasonable prise is expected).
>> Could anybody point me to agency/private business company, who is
>> providing such kind of data? Where would you say is the best starting
>> point?
>> Thanks for hints
>> Jachym
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