[OSGeo-Discuss] code of conduct: another real case

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Sep 18 08:02:49 PDT 2015

Ok, maybe I don't understand, but why doesn't somebody just fix this 
issue. It seems everyone agrees the listing is wrong on the site. 
Somebody should have a cease and desist letter sent to the site to 
change the owner to the correct name or remove the posting.

whois openhub.net

for the site particulars. This assumes that the person the created the 
posting on the site is unknown or not available to change it.

It might expedite things if BOTH osgeo and rasdaman GmbH sent similar 
letters making similar requests so the site gets confirmation from both 
parties and does not need to worry if this is an attempt to "steal" the 

-Steve W

On 9/18/2015 10:28 AM, Michael Gerlek wrote:
> I agree: Peter’s issue doesn’t seem to be a Code of Conduct issue, it
> seems closer to a Code of Ethics issue — but even that’s not quite
> right. I think this is more properly a grievance to be taken up
> directly with the Board.
> Suggestion: the CoC team right want to consider a couple lines on the
> wiki page that (further) clarify the intent of the Code of Conduct,
> as opposed to the intent of a Code of Ethics [1][2]. The two are
> similar in their ultimate goals, but address different areas of our
> professional lives and activities [3].
> [1] https://www.acm.org/about/code-of-ethics [2]
> http://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/governance/p7-8.html [3]
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethical_code
> -mpg
>> On Sep 17, 2015, at 5:17 PM, Camille Acey <camille.acey at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I am having a hard time seeing how this is a CoC matter. Camille
>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Jeff McKenna
>> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote: Hi Peter,
>> It may be early here at FOSS4G-Seoul, but I am finding it hard to
>> understand your full issue.  Can you please explain here to
>> everyone what you mean by "I found that OSGeo has claimed rasdaman
>> at some time in the past".  Claimed how/where/in what way?  As far
>> as I know, rasdaman is an OSGeo Project in Incubation, and, having
>> been at the OSGeo booth here most of this week I have spoken to
>> many people coming to the booth about rasdaman.  So, pardon me if I
>> am in the total dark here, maybe you could explain more to
>> everyone, as I sense that you are upset.
>> Thanks,
>> -jeff
>> On 2015-09-18 1:21 AM, Peter Baumann wrote: Hello community,
>> here is another real case that I would like to raise.
>> rasdaman [0] is listed on OpenHub [1], like many of us, with owner
>> rasdaman GmbH set originally. By coincidence I found that OSGeo has
>> claimed rasdaman at some time in the past.
>> To my total surprise, as rasdaman is in incubation since about 5
>> years now [2], and since quite some time OSGeo refuses graduation
>> requiring this and that extra documentation.
>> I find this undercover misappropriation a gross violation of
>> professional ethics and request to immediately "give back" the
>> project as a remedial action. I could do it myself, but recently
>> OpenHub requires a phone number to be entered to which, as blog
>> comments show, spam will get sent. IMO it is on OSGeo to bring this
>> sacrifice.
>> Actually, I know who has "stolen ownership", but will not disclose
>> identity publicly following suggested practice.
>> Rather, I am seeking contact to and investigation by the CoC
>> Committee (or whoever is in charge).
>> Thanks, Peter
>> [0] http://www.rasdaman.org [1] https://www.openhub.net/p/rasdaman
>> [2] http://rasdaman.org/wiki/OSGeo
>> PS: On the side, this IMHO justifies an amendment of the CoC rules
>> to prevent such a case in future.
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