[OSGeo-Discuss] Koop BoF at FOSS4G NA

Raj R Singh raj at RAJSINGH.ORG
Tue Apr 12 12:14:46 PDT 2016

Hello all. For those of you going to FOSS4G NA in Raleigh, NC in a few weeks, I’d like to advertise the Koop BoF:
"Open data processing with Koop, libspatialindex, Shapely & RTree"

Koop has evolved greatly in the past year, and if you’re interested in spatial data services interoperability, please come join us to talk and hack.

"Koop extracts data from third party providers, transforms that data into GeoJSON <http://geojson.org/> and loads it into a cache database (currently PostGIS). From that point a user can query the data as a feature service or download it in various formats.”

In the absence of a discussion list, please discuss in this GitHub issue: 

Raj Singh
raj at rajsingh.org
(617) 642-9372

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