[OSGeo-Discuss] What would you want from an OSGeo Git Service ?

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 09:15:34 PDT 2016

I think some kind of bridge to github is high on the list (viewing it more
as an outreach marketing concern than anything). In my experience projects
that are not officially on github get lots of unofficial forks - but that
could depend on which are of the world you are in?

I am very interested in maintaining an exit strategy for github given
recent experience with Codehaus and SourceForge.
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 3:43 AM Sandro Santilli <strk at keybit.net> wrote:

> Following the "recent" discussion [1] about OSGeo infrastructure
> to provide modern software code management services, I drafted a features
> comparison table [2] on the wiki to help with determining which packages
> would better serve the needs of OSGeo projects.
> If you have any specific feature you'd like to see considered in that
> table please edit the page and add it, or mention it in reply to this
> mail for discussion.
> At the moment the table only compares "Gogs" and "GitLab-CE" as those
> are the only two packages proposed by volunteers willing to take care
> of the initial deploy. Shall others be willing to setup more packages
> they can be added as further columns to the table (or, again, discussed
> here first).
> Shall there be MediaWiki support for integrated polls (to add a
> "score" column automatically filled) I'd love to know about it
> (dreaming big).
> Happy planning!
> [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-October/014997.html
> [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GitInfrastructureComparison
> --strk;
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Jody Garnett
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