[OSGeo-Discuss] What would you want from an OSGeo Git Service ?

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Fri Apr 15 00:52:49 PDT 2016

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 04:15:34PM +0000, Jody Garnett wrote:
> I think some kind of bridge to github is high on the list (viewing it more
> as an outreach marketing concern than anything). In my experience projects
> that are not officially on github get lots of unofficial forks - but that
> could depend on which are of the world you are in?

I agree for marketing being on github is helpful, and we're already
doing it with mirrors for GEOS/PostGIS (accepting pull requests but
not tickets).

What kind of bridge would you think it could be useful ?
Does it need to be built in the Git service or could it be
provided externally by OSGeo (like requested in this ticket
for mirroring tools: https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1654) ?

Would you want to bridge authentication or code or tickets ?

> I am very interested in maintaining an exit strategy for github given
> recent experience with Codehaus and SourceForge.

For the code, GIT has a built-in exit strategy (full history is
everywhere). What's problematic is tickets. When commit logs contain
references to issues by unqualified ticket number, they either refer
to one or the other ticketting system. Moving tickets away would mean
migrating the tickets data. I've heard mentioning a github API to
query tickets but didnt' do any research about existing migration
tools as I'm personally not planning to put tickets in there.

Anyway, I've added a raw to the comparison table for
"tool to migrate from github".



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