[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Network outage 12/17/2016 08:26AM PST - 12/17/2016 11:14AM PST

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sat Dec 17 11:30:21 PST 2016

message from OSGeo's hosting provider:

-------- Forwarded Message --------


We had a major network outage today caused by a UPS fault in the data 
center which houses our upstream connection with NERO. All of our 
systems remained online during the outage, however our upstream 
connection to the Internet was down due to the NERO switches being 
powered off.

Everything seems to be back online currently and I'm waiting to hear a 
more detailed report back on the root cause.

I will be working on sending a more detailed report later today once 
more information is available.

Thank you for your patience.

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

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