[OSGeo-Discuss] The future of the Google Summer of Code

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Fri Nov 11 10:11:26 PST 2016

Dear Madi,
I offer for collaborating with you in maintaining the gsoc...
that I believe is very precious for OSGeo...


Il 11 nov 2016 2:24 PM, "Margherita Di Leo" <diregola at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Dear OSGeo Fellows,
> earlier this month, Anne and I attended GSoC Mentors Summit at Google's
> Tech Corners in California as OSGeo delegates, and also had the chance to
> visit NASA Ames Research Center, as our mentor for NASA WorldWind, Patrick
> Hogan, graciously hosted us for a guided tour! (Thank you again Patrick!).
> (Partly) recovered from the jet-lag, it is now time to make some
> reflections and decide how to follow up in this great experience that is
> the Google Summer of Code. Talking to Anne, she frankly said that she
> doesn't wish to continue as GSoC admin for the next year. Actually, wen I
> stepped in as admin 2 years ago, she had already decided to quit, but
> nevertheless, she continued for another two years. Now I think we already
> abused her availability.
> From my side, I wish to continue, and I actually wanted even explore the
> possibility to participate in the Google Code-in [1]. But this is another
> story, that deserves another dedicated thread. It is late to apply for it
> this year, so there will be time to discuss it over.
> My most important point here is: we need a GSoC admins team. Ideally
> another 2 people, that are willing to work together with me to continue the
> great OSGeo's experience in GSoC. This is not paid work, however,
> traditionally 2 GSoC admins have the honor to attend the yearly mentor
> summit in California, hosted in the Google premises, and the expenses
> reimbursed by Google.
> Notwithstanding my good will to continue in the role of admin, I have to
> be realistic and say that I cannot do it alone, so if other volunteers are
> not found, I'm afraid our participation in GSoC it is going to an end this
> year.
> Please, feel free to circulate this call to your connections, former
> mentors or former GSoC students, Geo-For-All fellows, etc.. We need your
> help!
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> [1] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/
> --
> Margherita Di Leo
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