[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS'2016, the preliminary program is available

Olivier Ertz olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch
Fri Sep 16 07:14:28 PDT 2016

3 days, 10 scientific sessions, 8 workshops, and 3 promising keynotes:

*Big Geo Data* by Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli (Politecnico di Milano), 
*Theory and Practice of Reproducible Research* by Prof. Riccardo Rigon 
(University of Trento) and *When the neo-geography creates commons* by 
Maurizio Napolitano (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)!

Discover the program of the 4th edition of OGRS, the Open Source 
Geospatial Research & Education Symposium:

Feel free to register: [2016.ogrs-community.org/registration] 
(early registration does run until Monday, 19th, September 2016)

Website: [2016.ogrs-community.org/] <http://2016.ogrs-community.org/>
Twitter: [twitter.com/ogrscommunity] <https://twitter.com/OGRSCommunity>
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