[OSGeo-Discuss] Note the LocationTech badge is not showing correctly

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Thu Aug 17 12:19:52 PDT 2017

(Taken from https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-August/035453.html)

"Note the LocationTech badge is not not showing correctly"

now I am, as an OSGeo charter member, really really confused about this. 

What I'm really missing here is an open discussion and decision making how we, as an organisation OSGeo, going forward to promote projects from other organisations. 

What is the added value for OSGeo to promote locationtech projects? Will locationtech also promote OSGeo projects? Why not promote projects from any other org? Who will decide which project or other org will be promoted?.... 

Too many open questions without any sound background for me as an OSGeo charter member. 

Kind regards 

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