[OSGeo-Discuss] Collaboration is the way forward: Note the LocationTech badge is not showing correctly

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Aug 18 09:15:43 PDT 2017

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the update. I am still not yet fully
aware about what was discussed at the Boston f2f
or the LocationTech meeting that you attended.

As I said in my email,, it is better to clearly and
officially formulate the partnership between
LocationTech and OSGeo..

My first priority as a President of OSGeo foundation
would be to address the concerns raised by our
charter members as we continue to move forward
with our  relationship with LocationTech or other



On 8/18/2017 8:34 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
> Venka,
> This is something we discussed quite a bit at both the Boston F2F and at
> the LocationTech meeting that I was invited to attend. It was agreed that
> we all wanted to work together on the MoU but to also work closer together
> on the process so it reflects interests and concerns on both sides. Norman
> Barker will be attending some OSGeo board meetings to continue the
> discussions and I will be attending some LocationTech meetings as well. We
> need to keep discussing this both at the meetings and on the list to
> continue forward with what is already a very good working relationship.
> Mike
> ----
> Michael Smith
> OSGeo Foundation Treasurer
> treasurer at osgeo.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Venkatesh
> Raghavan <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
> Date: Friday, August 18, 2017 at 2:41 AM
> To: Marc Vloemans <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>, Helmut Kudrnovsky
> <hellik at web.de>, OSGeo Discussions <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Collaboration is the way
> forward: Note the LocationTech badge is not showing correctly
> Resent-From: Michael Smith <michael.smith at usace.army.mil>
>> Hi Marc,
>> Many thanks to LocationTech for supporting
>> OSGeo events and code sprints.
>> As discussed with you at FOSS4G-Europe last month,
>> we could consider going beyond the "informal" partnership
>> between LocationTech and OSGeo Foundation and having
>> a MoU. I think this would help to answer some of the questions
>> that Helmut has raised and avoid any misunderstandings
>> in the future.
>> I had sent you some suggestions on drafting an MoU that you can
>> go through and perhaps, find time to discuss f2f with OSGeo board
>> members attending FOSS4G-Boston.
>> Best
>> Venka
>> On 2017/08/18 6:23, Marc Vloemans wrote:
>>> Dear Helmut,
>>> I am also a charter member. And much more in our ever-growing and
>>> evolving community.
>>> LocationTech is a partner of OSGeo, we work on various joint projects,
>>> LocationTech is sponsor of OSGeo code sprints, we work together for many
>>> years on FOSS4G North Amerika. We do valuable complementary work
>>> regarding community and market development.
>>> All this has been achieved over the years incrementally and by the
>>> efforts, care and vision of many directly involved. An achievement, that
>>> by raising a discussion as you propose
>>> Your confusion thus confuses me (besides Chair of the Marketing
>>> Committee, former Board member of OSGeoNL, member of the LOC FOSS4G
>>> 2016, Chair of FOSS4G North Amerika and ........ Director Ecosystem
>>> Development Eclipse Foundation with special focus on its Industry
>>> Working Group LocationTech.
>>> Your comments are actually turning back the clock.
>>> If you may remember, in the recent past some very unfortunately
>>> misunderstandings have created a we/them atmosphere. The present FOSS4G
>>> in Boston proves we are as an inclusive community moving forward.
>>> Towards unimaginable opportunities.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Marc Vloemans
>>>> Op 17 aug. 2017 om 15:19 heeft Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de> het
>>>> volgende geschreven:
>>>> (Taken from
>>>> BlockedBlockedhttps://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-August/0354
>>>> 53.html)Blocked
>>>> "Note the LocationTech badge is not not showing correctly"
>>>> now I am, as an OSGeo charter member, really really confused about
>>>> this.
>>>> What I'm really missing here is an open discussion and decision making
>>>> how we, as an organisation OSGeo, going forward to promote projects
>>> >from other organisations.
>>>> What is the added value for OSGeo to promote locationtech projects?
>>>> Will locationtech also promote OSGeo projects? Why not promote projects
>>> >from any other org? Who will decide which project or other org will be
>>>> promoted?....
>>>> Too many open questions without any sound background for me as an
>>>> OSGeo charter member.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Helmut
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