[OSGeo-Discuss] Note the LocationTech badge is not showing correctly

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Thu Aug 17 14:23:59 PDT 2017

Someone would answer that is a do-ocracy :-)

Apart from this, I also share the same concerns of Helmut and would like to
have a clear rule/strategy on this...


Il 17 ago 2017 9:19 PM, "Helmut Kudrnovsky" <hellik at web.de> ha scritto:

> (Taken from https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-August/
> 035453.html)
> "Note the LocationTech badge is not not showing correctly"
> now I am, as an OSGeo charter member, really really confused about this.
> What I'm really missing here is an open discussion and decision making how
> we, as an organisation OSGeo, going forward to promote projects from other
> organisations.
> What is the added value for OSGeo to promote locationtech projects? Will
> locationtech also promote OSGeo projects? Why not promote projects from any
> other org? Who will decide which project or other org will be promoted?....
> Too many open questions without any sound background for me as an OSGeo
> charter member.
> Kind regards
> Helmut
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