[OSGeo-Discuss] usage of PCI Geomatica in the Canadian industry or government organizations

Brigitte Leblon bleblon at unb.ca
Fri Feb 24 12:24:09 PST 2017


I got this kind of statements from one of my colleagues.

I spoke some more with others about Geomatica, and I continue to have questions about its usefulness for our Bachelor students in Forestry or in Environment. I was told that Geomatica is not used in Canadian industry, or in government organizations. There are specialized Geomatics companies that do the image processing of satellite data, etc.  Industry and government employees normally purchased the processed data to be used in Arc GIS for their needs.

So in order I can answer to him, I need to have the list of Canadian environmental/forestry industry and government organizations who use PCI Geomatica

If you are working in an environmental/forestry company and government organizations in Canada and using PCI Geomatica, please send me an email



Prof. Dr. Brigitte Leblon

Professor of remote sensing/Professeure en télédétection
Director of TRANSFOR-M/Directrice de TRANSFOR-M
Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management
Vice-President, Canadian Remote Sensing Society/Vice-Présdente, Société Canadienne de Télédétection
T 506 453-4924
F 506 453-3538

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