[OSGeo-Discuss] Wiki: InfrastructurePreferencesStatusQuo - call for update

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Mar 20 06:08:00 PDT 2017

Actually Maxi and I did a recent thorough research into OSGeo project 
use of infrastructure, by each project, and it was published as a paper 
(or soon to be).  In the short term I know Maxi has submitted it as a 
talk for FOSS4G-Europe.  It's good to take a step back and review old 
processes.  Actually we hope that that was a start of a regular OSGeo 
project 'health checkup', which obviously is very needed.  For example, 
it was quite shocking how many current OSGeo projects are functioning 
without any regular Project Steering Committee meetings, or even a 
visible Project Steering Committee.  I am sure Maxi will be sharing 
those results at FOSS4G-E.


Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation

On 2017-03-19 7:31 PM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Hi,
> I've gathered some data about the current use of OSGeo infrastructure
> by OSGeo projects, versus use of external services:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/InfrastructurePreferencesStatusQuo
> I'd like to ask members of individual projects to have a look and
> apply corrections and updates wherever necessary.
> Thanks all in advance!
> Best regards,

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