[OSGeo-Discuss] Wiki: InfrastructurePreferencesStatusQuo - call for update

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Tue Mar 21 01:18:19 PDT 2017

Maxi also made an excelling presentation on related topic
at FOSS4G-Asia 2017. The presentation is available at




On 2017/03/20 22:08, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Actually Maxi and I did a recent thorough research into OSGeo project 
> use of infrastructure, by each project, and it was published as a 
> paper (or soon to be).  In the short term I know Maxi has submitted it 
> as a talk for FOSS4G-Europe.  It's good to take a step back and review 
> old processes.  Actually we hope that that was a start of a regular 
> OSGeo project 'health checkup', which obviously is very needed.  For 
> example, it was quite shocking how many current OSGeo projects are 
> functioning without any regular Project Steering Committee meetings, 
> or even a visible Project Steering Committee.  I am sure Maxi will be 
> sharing those results at FOSS4G-E.
> -jeff

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