[OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] AGM Followup - what our foundation is doing in 2017

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 00:28:40 PDT 2017

Thanks Jody,

It looks like the following projects have not provided an update during 
the AGM and should be called to attend our next board meeting:

- gvSIG
- Marble
- GeoTools
- PostGIS
- GeoNetwork
- deegree
- geomajas
- Mapbender
- MapFish
- MapGuide Open Source
- OpenLayers

Given the number of the projects in that list, perhaps it would be 
easier to organize separate meetings (or video calls), asking projects 
and board members to attend.

I volunteer to follow up with the project officers and arrange those 
meetings if the board approves.


On 10/23/2017 08:48 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> In our most recent mins that we had a good review of outstanding f2f action
> items <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05>, one thing we
> are missing is following up on our well attended, entertaining, annual
> general meeting.
> I am (CCing) the discussion list here as this is a fun update.
> The main action item is to invite projects and committees who missed the
> AGM to the next board meeting (Board Meeting 2017-11-02
> <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-11-02>). Anita has also
> identified this as an opportunity to start thinking about next years budget.
> The slides are here:
> ​​​
>   osgeo-agm
> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1T9QRcCdyd8PLQnXB2VfZ2k3ReX-9CH_YXRg0VKqtgeQ/edit?usp=drive_web>
>> We had reports from the board and core officers (or delegate):
>     - president: delegated to helena as vice-president
>     - treasurer
>     - secretary
>     - elections - annual short term position
> Initiatives:
>     - Website/rebranding - temporary initiative
>     - OSGeo-Live
> Projects:
>     - GRASS GIS
>     - GeoMOOSE
>     - ORFEO ToolBox - welcome to new graduate!
>     - pycsw
>     - geonode
>     - pywps*
>     - MapServer
>     - ZOO project - brought up external slides
>     - GeoServer
> *via incubation committee
> Aside: t*here was some confusion for projects who had had a state-of talk
> during the conference. The AGM update is focused on the project health and
> happiness, rather than technology updates.*
> Local Chapters
>     - OSGeo Korean Chapter
>     - GfOSS.it
>     - OSGeo Ireland
>     - D-A-Ch: FOSSGIS e.V.
>     - OSGeo:UK
>     - OSGeo.JP
>     - geo-spatial.org (OSGeo.RO)
>     - And more
>        - OSGeo Finland Chapter Report
>        - OSGeo Spanish Language Chapter
>        - OSGeo Africa
>        - OSGeo European
> *Aside: There was a lot of friendly encouragement from
> the European chapters considering considering bidding for FOSS4G 2019.*
> *Note: Local chapter updates are the highlight of any AGM (and
> inspirational). There is no expectation for a report from local chapters -
> they do not have an officer representative in our organization. I think
> this makes sense since they are regional in nature and need to have the
> freedom to incorporate in accordance with local laws*.
> Committees:
>     - United Nations Committee
>     - GeoForAll
>     - Conference Committee
>     - OpenGeoScience Committee
>     - Marketing Committee
>     - Incubation Committee
>     - GSoC - is this a committee or initiative?
> --
> Jody Garnett
> _______________________________________________
> Board mailing list
> Board at lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/board

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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