[OSGeo-Discuss] Website 15th relaunch - members and local chapters

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 00:18:47 PST 2018

A couple of people have asked how to add a local chapter to the website.

It looks like there are two kinds "Community Group" and "Official Chapter".

The list of local chapters is here -

0. If your local chapter is still "in formation" now is a great time to ask
the board to recognize your group! (The OSGeo Portuguese chapter is doing
this now - congrats!)

For the existing local chapters:

1. Sign into the website using your osgeo userid
2. There is editor bar added along the top of the page, click the wordpress
3. Along the right side of the page is all the difference content types
from projects to local chapters
4. Click "local chapter" and choose "Add New"

You may need to add a new "Location" for your local chapter, it is a bit
more tricky as some groups are language based and have a list of locations
across the world.

If you do not get any edit options when signed in please reach out out on
the SAC IRC or via email and we can make sure you are an editor.

Jody Garnett

On 10 January 2018 at 18:55, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Great news coming out of the system admin meeting - the OSGeo website is
> scheduled to go live Jan 15th!
> The "staging" website is located here: https://staging.www.osgeo.org
> 1. Login with your OSGeo id <https://staging.www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid>
> 2. Fill in your profile information, taking special care to provide a
> photo and add yourself to your local chapter, along with any projects or
> committees you take part in.
> We especially need your help reaching out to local chapters.
> * https://staging.www.osgeo.org/local-chapters/
> While our map (click filter to toggle on the map) is filling up some of
> the pages like OSGeo India are empty placeholders.
> Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on this in 2017.
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