[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Elections: OSGeo needs you now!

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 03:10:49 PST 2018

Dear fellow members,

We are on the process of electing board members for the next two years.
This is the moment when you can leave a good footprint on OSGeo.

Is there something you think we should do better? Is there something you
think we can improve? Is there something you want to make sure doesn't fall
into oblivion? This is the best way to do it. Get involved on the board and
make sure things go as they should. As OSGeo member, you should have some
expectations, why don't you make sure yourself that they are fulfilled?

Also, elections are not fun if we don't have a pool of candidates to choose

Have a happy day,
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