[OSGeo-Discuss] TIN file formats

Pierre Abbat phma at bezitopo.org
Sat Dec 7 19:50:16 PST 2019

On Saturday, 7 December 2019 03.21.17 EST Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> Very interesting! We are trying to create a generic TIN reader/writer for
> open source applications:
> https://github.com/lutraconsulting/MDAL/
> MDAL already supports a number of TIN/mesh formats and it is integrated
> with QGIS.
> It would be good to join efforts.

How does MDAL represent TINs internally?

Where is the QGIS coding style? The link on that page goes to a 404 page.

I may try to find out what the Carlson TIN header means. I'm talking to 
another surveyor tomorrow, who has tried to get the spec, but since I last 
talked with him about it, I met some people (not programmers) from Carlson, 
generated a TIN from a point cloud as they watched, exported it as Carlson, 
and handed it to them on a flash drive.


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