[OSGeo-Discuss] Zero Hunger Aim

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Feb 7 05:24:19 PST 2021

Dear colleagues,

A large focus of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) mandate is working towards ZeroHunger on a global scale. On behalf of GODAN, I would like to welcome everyone who are working in alleviating food poverty around the world [1] to join GODAN Working Group on Food Poverty and share your valuable ideas and inputs.  Please email GODAN Head of Communications Kathryn Bailey (kathryn.bailey at godan.info<mailto:kathryn.bailey at godan.info?subject=Application%20to%20join%20-%20Working%20Group%20on%20Food%20Poverty>) or me (suchith.anand at godan.info<mailto:suchith.anand at godan.info> )  to join the mail list.

How can we create a fairer, more nutritious, more sustainable and more resilient food systems?  Please share information on research projects, publications, tools, examples of best practices to  kathryn.bailey at godan.info<mailto:kathryn.bailey at godan.info>  to  add to the  list of resources section of the Working Group website. The Working Group website and mailing list will serve as a knowledge exchange platform to bring together experts and organisations to solve this issue.

We welcome everyone interested (teachers, farmers, parents, grandparents)   to join the Working Group and contribute your ideas at


The pain of hunger is the same for everyone, everywhere. We cannot ignore food poverty issues faced by economically poor families globally. We need to find solutions to alleviate food poverty everywhere.

We are looking forward for your participation in this Working Group and contribute your expertise for our collective mission to end hunger and poverty, both locally and globally.

I am grateful to everyone, everywhere working for Zero Hunger Aim.

Best wishes,


[1] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa-jisc.exe?A2=HIGHER-EDUCATION-CLOSE-UP;79154007.2102

Dr Suchith Anand

Chief Scientist

Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition



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