[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo AUTH compare to OSM

Brian M Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Tue Nov 22 07:02:24 PST 2022

Hi All from California, USA -

   today I see a call to vote on moderators at Openstreetmap USA. The 
link goes to


   You can see that OSM USA appears to cooperate for "federated login" 
(sharing credential mechanisms) via *OpenID*.

   Secondly it seems that OSM USA is a client to some larger AUTHs, for 
example *Facebook*.

   as a user of *OSGeo ID AUTH*, I support a model where OSGeo owns and 
runs AUTH, and can share with other organizations on a case-by-case 
basis.. this is the model of the OpenID system (as I understand it).

   It is my opinion that being a client of centralized AUTH, such as 
Facebook, is the wrong road for OSGeo dot org. The relationship there is 
a client relationship such that information and control are passed 
one-way, and there is very little growth on the OSGeo side over time, 
while  central AUTH becomes stronger.

   I believe in OSGeo dot org long-term, and wish to see OSGeo own and 
operate AUTH for its own purposes, independent of centralized services 
such as Facebook.


     --Brian M Hamlin    /  MAPLABS  /  OSGeoLive PSC

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