[OSGeo-Discuss] 2023 nominations for *board* member elections

Iván Sánchez Ortega ivan at sanchezortega.es
Mon Dec 4 21:41:39 PST 2023

Dear OSGeo charter members,

The end of the years looms ahead, which also means it's time to renew the 
OSGeo board, starting with nominations for new board members.

Starting today, the CRO team will be recieving nominations. In order to 
nominate somebody, make sure they're OK with the nomination, then send an 
email to cro (at) osgeo.org with the following information:  

Nominating person: <your name>
Nominating e-mail: <your e-mail>
Nominating profile page: <your profile page in the OSGeo website>

Nominee name: <nominee's name(s)>
Nominee e-mail: <nominee e-mail>
Nominee profile page: <nominee profile page in the OSGeo website>
Nomination statement: <a paragraph or two>

Since the new board has to be set up by the end of the year, I'll be taking 
nominations until december 14th. Apologies for the short notice.

More information will be shortly at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2023

Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es> https://ivan.sanchezortega.es

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