[OSGeo-Discuss] Early Bird registration end for FOSS4G Europe 2024

Tõnis Kärdi tonis.kardi at gmail.com
Fri May 10 04:07:46 PDT 2024

Dear OSGeo community,

tonight is the end of the Early Bird ticket sales for FOSS4G Europe 
2024, and with complete astonishment we find ourselves in the situation 
that the event is essentially sold out. You can still sign up to go to 
the waiting list so if any spots open up you would be eligible for the 
ticket purchase.

We are still also missing registration from 32 speakers (general + 
academic track). If you are one of them, please check your mailbox that 
you are using for talks.osgeo.org. You should have received more 
detailed instructions on how to proceed. Please also check the spam.

If you for whatever reason already know that you will not be able to 
participate, please-please-please let us know. Even if you are a 
co-speaker and others will be there to deliver the talk. We have 
reserved a ticket for you and would like to make it available to other 
people on the waiting list if you are not using it.

Please do so at your earliest convenience but not later than 19 May 
2024. After that we will have to assume you will not be participating as 
a speaker and we will recycle your ticket. This will be the final 
deadline, and no extension will be possible after that date.

Thank you all for the overwhelming response. The interest in our lil' 
conference has quite literally (again :)) taken us all by surprise.

All the best and hope to see you soon in Tartu!

On behalf of the Tartu LOC,
Tõnis Kärdi
FOSS4G Europe 2024 chair

skype: tonis.kardi

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