[OSGeo-Discuss] Special Invitation to Satellites Map Day 2024 = 11 y 12 de Junio 9:30 am ART

Fernando Puga comercial4 at convergencia.com
Fri May 10 08:45:12 PDT 2024

Hello OSGeo community

We invite you to participate in Satellite Map Day. The on-line seminar to
present the Satellite Map of Latin America 2024, on the mornings of 11 and
12 June.

The conference's panel discussions will analyse the opportunities of NTN
(non-terrestrial-networks), Direct to Device, the AI and Hybrid Fleets. LEO
alliances in Latin America. Mass IoT and the LEO market in Brazil, among
other topics.

Executives from Telesat, Hughes, Orbith, Servicio Satelital, Telefónica
Global Solutions, Eutelsat/Oneweb, SES, Viking Satcom and Astranis among
others, will present services and solutions during their workshops.  You
can consult the updated preliminary agenda in

Book your place now (free of charge), places are limited: Tuesday 11 June &
Wednesday 12 June 2023 (9:30 am ART - 12:30 am ART)

Best Regards

Fernando Puga

Grupo Convergencia

Comercial4 at convergencia.com

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