[OSGeo-Discuss] Quick question

ed.maghboul at x-spatial.com ed.maghboul at x-spatial.com
Mon May 20 15:04:14 PDT 2024

Hello Brad,

With my apologies for being too vague, we currently use MapGuide OS 3.1 for
our enterprise GIS solution at a few airports, and they have voiced concern
about the vulnerability of PHP version noted below, which as I understand is
used for its admin purposes. From your email I gather that you are
suggesting that either we fund the development necessary or do it ourselves,
is this correct? If yes, can you direct me to a team that could possibly
perform this upgrade so I can get an estimate from them?


-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Hards <bradh at frogmouth.net> 
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2024 2:45 PM
To: ed.maghboul at x-spatial.com; discuss at osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Quick question

On Tuesday, 21 May 2024 7:19:00 AM AEST Ed Maghboul via Discuss wrote:
> We are getting a lot of pressure from our users to upgrade the 
> existing PHP
> - 131 CVE's - v5.0.5.0 due to security concerns, is there a plan on 
> updating this module, since support for it ended in 2005.

It might help to say which OSGeo project you are referring to. I have no
idea from your message.

Of course, OSGeo projects are open source. So are you or your company in a
position to do the work on whichever project you mean? Or to fund someone
else doing the work?


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