[OSGeo-Discuss] status of geoRSS, geoAtom, cursor-on-target

Miles Fidelman mfidelman at meetinghouse.net
Fri Jan 10 07:20:15 PST 2025

Hi Folks,

For a while, geoRSS was all the rage for event tracking, with 
cursor-on-target as the military equivalent.

As I was looking at data for the California Fires, I noticed that geoRSS 
feeds, which used to be all the rage on the CALFIRE sites - aren't there 
anymore, though some seem to be available from private sources.

Which leads me to ask:  Is there anything in common use, these days, for 
open, interoperable event feeds?  Is this a problem we should be 
focusing some attention on?

Miles Fidelman, Civic.Net

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In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.
Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined:
nothing works and no one knows why.  ... unknown

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