[DotNet-OSGeo] RE: 3D display

Carsten Troelsgaard troelsgaard53c at live.dk
Tue May 31 14:23:45 EDT 2011

I had to google TIN-algorithm to get a gist of what you talk about. It looks like the triangulation I've tried to figure out. I'm not getting passed the convex hull. I've writte a pile of code that hasn't been tested .. it's doomed. 
I assume that you are working on the clouds that you collect with the lidar? 
The point 'painting' .. is that the Device.DrawPoints (or something eqvivalent, Draw.Point is not supported in Xna)

> One other thing-
> > http://cid-382e99b169b58267.photos.live.com/self.aspx/Billeder/ng%5E_2.jpg
> From this image, it looks like you are using gridded data, which makes the
> display issue a little simpler. I usually deal with point clouds, which are
> not gridded, so either I display just a set (cloud) of points, or I have to
> run a TINning algorithm to make a surface to display.
> One of the issues I like to complain/whine about a lot is the lack of a
> really good, standalone-portable, quality-scalable TIN construction library.
> Having something like that is a part of my dream 3D geo engine library...
> -mpg
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