[Dutch] Fwd: [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers WMS / WMTS 28992 offset
Milo van der Linden
milo op opengeogroep.nl
Vr Jan 13 03:35:15 PST 2012
---------- Doorgestuurd bericht ----------
Van: "Lucas Heezen - Covadis" <heezen op covadis.nl>
Datum: 13 jan. 2012 11:34
Onderwerp: [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers WMS / WMTS 28992 offset
Aan: "openlayers-users op lists.osgeo.org" <openlayers-users op lists.osgeo.org>
** **
I’m having a map which is projected in EPSG:28992. This map has two layers
(WMS and a WMTS layer).****
** **
*var* map;****
** **
*function* init() {****
// Alle map opties gaan meegeven aan de map,****
*var* mapOptions = {****
theme: *null*,****
numZoomLevels: 27,****
//controls: [ ],****
//maxExtent: bounds,****
//maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508, -20037508,20037508,
maxExtent: *new* OpenLayers.Bounds(12628.0541, 308179.0423,
283594.4779, 611063.1429),****
maxResolution: 1324.21875,//156543.0339,****
//maxResolution: "auto",****
units: "m",****
projection: *new* OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:28992"),****
displayProjection: *new* OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:28992")****
map = *new* OpenLayers.Map( "map", mapOptions );****
//var osm = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM();****
// If tile matrix identifiers differ from zoom levels (0, 1, 2, ...)****
// then they must be explicitly provided.****
*var* matrixIds = *new* Array(26);****
*for* (*var* i=0; i<26; ++i) {****
matrixIds[i] = "EPSG:28992:" + i;****
** **
*var* layer = *new* OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",****
{layers: 'topp:O10004_gemeenten_xml', isBaseLayer: *true*} , {
opacity: 0.4 } );****
*var* wmts = *new* OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({****
name: "Medford Buildings",****
url: "
layer: "natura2000",****
matrixSet: "EPSG:28992",****
matrixIds: matrixIds,****
format: "image/png",****
style: "",****
isBaseLayer: *false*****
}); ****
map.addLayers([layer, wmts]);****
map.addControl(*new* OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());****
map.setCenter(*new* OpenLayers.LonLat(197177, 442054), 0); // Duiven****
** **
The result of that map is:
** **
As you can see the colored overlay (WMTS) is nog correct. Am I doing
something wrong with the projection?****
** **
Met vriendelijke groet,
Lucas Heezen****
[image: Beschrijving: http://www.covadis.nl/emailkop/logo.gif]****
Covadis b.v. ****
t: 026 3616600 ****
Geograaf 12 ****
f: 026 3612317 ****
6921 EW Duiven ****
e: heezen op covadis.nl****
** **
** **
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