[OSGeo-Edu] FreeGIS Book

P Kishor punkish at eidesis.org
Sun Aug 13 10:00:50 EDT 2006


On 8/13/06, Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl at ccgis.de> wrote:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Education_Working_Groups#Results_4
> Seems like everybody is waiting. What are we waiting for exactly?

We are waiting for mediawiki to be set up on a telascience server.
Once that is set up, Auke will set up the domain "wikibooks.osgeo.org"
and point it to that server.

At that point, the wait will be over, and Allan will migate the book
from Eogeo to this new server.

The reason we are waiting until that point is so Allan has to migrate
the content only once, because, as I understand, its final resting
place is going to be a telascience machine.

> There
> are still some unanswered questions on the discuss page whether Mediawiki
> is the best platform to do it.

This is something I am not at all qualified to answer, so I will refrain.

> Wiki right away and if required move it later. It is getting easier by the
> day to migrate stuff.

If Allan agrees with the above sentiment, then perhaps we should dive
right in. I will leave it up to him to decide.

> Alternatively set up another Drupal, I really like
> to OSGeo prototype: http://frot.org/osgeo/portal/de/node/49

I saw this referenced in Jo's email, and it concerned me. I am all for
things being easier, however, I am also for things being consistent.
If mediawiki is really less appropriate than drupal, then it would be
nice to standardize on just one platform all around. Forking is really
a disintegrating force. Yes, osgeo, as is, is a bit confusing, but
perhaps the solution to that is to make it less confusing instead of
starting another version of it altogether.

Hope all this makes sense.

Puneet Kishor http://punkish.eidesis.org/
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison http://www.ies.wisc.edu/
Open Source Geospatial Foundation https://edu.osgeo.org/

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