OSGeo Education

Landon Blake lblake at ksninc.com
Fri Dec 8 18:10:55 EST 2006

Ari had suggested that I subscribe to this mailing list, which I have


I'm trying to get a little more active in OSGeo, and had mentioned on
the main mailing list that I'd probably be able to help out mostly in
the education area.


I took a look at the Education Working Groups page of the Wiki. I think
I can correlate some work I'll be doing for the local chapter of my
Surveyor's association with the Free GIS Book. I'll be preparing some
educational material on basic math for surveyors. It won't be hard to
modify this slightly to apply to all mapping professions, and I thought
we might make it a chapter or chapters in the Free GIS Book. I had put
together a preliminary outline for this material here:




Obviously this will need to change a little so that it is appropriate
for the Free GIS Book.


So here is my first set of questions.


What is the current status of the Free GIS Book? Is there a basic
chapter outline or chapter template created yet?


I've also had a basic data set for GIS newbies on my list of things to
do as an administrator at OpenJUMP. I think this might coincide with the
goals of the Data Package Group. Has that working group put together a
set of data? If they have, I'd love to use it for OpenJUMP training
materials. If they haven't, perhaps I can put something together from
free data available for my local county. I'd follow the direction of the
Data Package Group members of course.


At any rate, I will only have time to tackle one of these tasks for now.
I'll start with whatever one works best for the others.


Just let me know.



Project Surveyor 

KSN Inc. - Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors

E-Mail Address: lblake at ksninc.com

Cell Phone #: (209) 992-0658

Office #: (209) 946-0268


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