edu.OSGeo publicity material

Puneet Kishor punkish at
Sat Jun 3 01:33:05 EDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> My job tonight is to get the text for the brochures together - I don't have it 
> ready yet. I was just going to look at the mission statement.  If you have 
> some time to help, it would be appreciated.


I grabbed the "Mission Statement" text and few extra bits from the
website/wiki. That text is reproduced below.

Initially I thought I would try and create some kind of a brochure
(maybe using Open Office), but before I get carried away with possibly
something incompatible and unsuitable, please let me/us know where you
are with this project, and what help you might require.




<OSGeo logo> edu.OSGeo Mission

The project aims at creating and promoting educational and curriculum
material that supports the goals of the Foundation. The intent is to
provide appropriately licensed material that is accessible by a broad
audience including academia, professionals, and the general public.
Material supported through this project should directly or indirectly
build and strengthen the open source geospatial user and developer
communities. This can be accomplished by integrating the use of OSGeo
endorsed tools in curricula that teach geospatial concepts and
applications as well as the creating curricula to teach skills necessary
for people to actively participate in supported OSGeo software and data
projects. The committee seeks strong cooperation with academic research

Data Package Group
    * Produce a data package for common use in tutorials
    * Work with Public Geospatial Data Committee where needed
    * Work with software projects to provide data package in meaningful
      for their tool
    * Use data package as a reference in writing tutorials

Education Resources Group
    * Collect links to and describe educational resources
    * Develop an "Introduction to GIS" course and courseware
    * Support use of Geospatial Free Open Source Software (GFOSS)
    * Find people to test use what we will develop
    * Promote GFOSS to colleagues

Research Outreach Group
    * Link to research projects using and developing GFOSS
    * Support researchers in their usage of GFOSS
    * Start and support research projects that develop GFOSS
    * Start and support research projects that help GFOSS developers
    * Promote GFOSS to colleagues
    * Work with developers to identify research needs

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