Using wiki
Ari Jolma
ari.jolma at
Mon Mar 27 14:01:06 EST 2006
ok, now we're on a proper email list.
I'm continuing the discussion on educational materials / the tasks of
the edu project.
Arnulf Christl kirjoitti:
> === Some thoughts ===
> * Do you already have or see coming such a large amount of material
> that it would be necessary to query it with the use of a database?
No...or maybe... The points that I was trying to make were (i) that our
task is in fact huge, and (ii) metadata about teaching material is
essential -- and very useful. It's also our choice, this top-down
approach requires, or so I think, this metadata tagging. The other
possibility is bottom-up, i.e., we select or develop some course
material and work on it. Then, I think, we are more or less in one slot
of my database, and we need to select the one.
> * What about languages (rl)? Most of what we (us/me/I) will provide
> might be in German language only? There is a Brazilian effort in
> Portuguese, etc.
Sure, the language is an essential piece of metadata.
> * The amount of meta information you suggest might/will prevent most
> contributors to enter anything (at least that is what we learned from
> giving people ISO 19115 meta data forms and getting nothing... )-:
> Even forcing them won't work, you really need a big club.
That could be our contribution too. _We_ add the metadata, and while
we're at it, we can also evaluate the material somehow. Sure, Puneet
might need a club then.
About breadcrumb tracks, sometimes I amuse myself by putting my name in
google and see all the old emails etc. I've written. Web has a long
memory, even longer than wikis.
Prof. Ari Jolma
Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at URL:
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