[OSGeo-Edu] special issue FOSS4G206

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Oct 13 12:29:02 EDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Thanks for the background, sounds interesting.  If we would prep
> articles for a more formal print publication, perhaps we could also
> use them in a more community focused digital newsletter.  I'm
> thinking of the GRASS newsletter style.

I prefer a OSGeo e-journal more academics focused (serious stuff, if
I may say so). Magazine style Managing two e.journals myself

Had suggested e-journal at some EduCom meeting, but was
not considered as some felt that there were already too
many journals. Agree that there are too many journals,
but waiting time, process of getting a special issue
going is all to difficult even in so many journals around.

Value from money, would be initially one issue per year,
e-journal. Subscription and right to publish as one of
member benefit. No a bad or impractical idea, I think.


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