[OSGeo-Edu] another request for help.... Victor, Jorge, Venka, Scott, Moritz, Maria, Helena, Landon and anyone else!

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Wed Feb 13 17:52:20 EST 2008

Hi Puneet,

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 08:45 -0600, P Kishor wrote:
> Greetings Charlie and others:

> All of the above was done while wearing the edu-OSGeo badge (among
> other badges), so while it didn't advance the "creating educational
> material" agenda, I hope it advanced edu-OSGeo name-recognition.
Excellent Puneet! It is so great that you making these opportunities
with these really important groups. It's quite valuable for us. 

I hadn't thought about the "marketing" side of our efforts. It's
important. It makes me wonder if we should have a "marketing" entry
somewhere on our wiki -- both for this kind of history but also for
upcoming events? If you have ideas on where that might best be put feel
free to add the future events to the wiki.

I'll add something on the below to the report... thank you! I'm working
on it now.


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