[OSGeo-Edu] "OSGeo Teach-in" event proposal

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Tue Jun 24 04:32:41 EDT 2008

(@OSGeo-conf: proposal for a disclaimer which could be interesting for
  teaching events, too)

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Daniel Ames <amesdani at isu.edu> wrote:
> Another way to think of this is to have the disclaimer come from the point
> of view of the author.  In which case it might read something like this:
> "The authors of this tutorial believe that its content is consistent with
> goal of the OSGeo foundation to create a global, open access repository of
> educational material related to open source geospatial theory and
> technologies. Any mistakes, misrepresentations, or inaccuracies are the
> authors' alone."

This is a very good proposal as it is formulated in a positive way.

> This way, any author can use the OSGeo logo if they think that their work is
> in line with OSGeo goals. In the same way that anyone can join OSGeo if they
> think that they have something to offer. However, this statement would make
> it very clear that the tutorial has been opted-in by the author, not
> developed "by" the OSGeo foundation.

Right. And "developed by" the OSGeo foundation is in the end always
developed by foundation members! So it turns back to the author somehow.

> This also leaves room for a tutorial to have additional statements about the
> level of peer review, external testing, etc. as needed.



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