[OSGeo-Edu] Task F- CD/ DVD

Clara Tattoni tattonic at ing.unitn.it
Fri Jun 27 09:46:46 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu wrote:
>> 4) Is ANYTHING being done on Task F - Ubuntu packaged CD? Or should I 
>> get it off
>> the list?

Me and my colleagues (Marco Ciolli and Paolo Zatelli) at University of 
Trento are going to present a Grass beginners workshop at the Cape Town 

In order to run our workshop Paolo is developing a multi-language 
live-DVD based on Kubuntu, with GRASS, QGIS, R and other packages 
together with a beginners tutorial in English. At the moment we are all 
working on the English version of our Italian tutorial (already listed 
among the edu contents! :)).

Paolo used to package this DVD in Italian with Italian documentation for 
our courses and an outdated version of GRASS-DVD.it can be downloaded here:


He is now working on the next version and we plan to upload an 
international version in about two-weeks time.

I spoke with Paolo today, who is not subscribed to this mailing list 
just because we divided among us the many lists to follow. He agrees to 
  share this dvd with the edu-committee, and he is available to add some 
extra content if you are interested in using it as edu-committee or for 
the upcoming conference or... ideas are welcome!

I'll keep you informed about next version, please share your comment 
about it

All the best


| Clara Tattoni, PhD
| Laboratorio di  Ecologia
| Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
| Università degli studi di Trento
| via Mesiano 77 - Trento
| Italia
| Tel +39 0461 882696
| Fax +39 0461 882672
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