[OSGeo-Edu] Free GIS book news

Victor Olaya Ferrero volaya at unex.es
Mon Mar 24 12:22:54 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Here are some news about the Free GIS book.

We had a new meeting of authors, this time in Girona, where the "II
Jornadas de SIG libre" (roughly, the spanish version of the FOSS4G
congress) were held. Tyler Mitchell attended the congress and also our
meeting, so we had time to show him our progress and listen to his
comments about it. He also agreed to write the preface of the book (thanks
again, Tyler) ;-)

We have decided to pick up a chapter among the ones that are already
finished (or almost finished) and translate it into english, so it can be
published in the OSGeo Journal. We hope that this encourages others to
help us or volunteer for the english version of the book and, specially,
to make people aware of the project.

We still have to select the chapter to translate, but I hope that we will
start working soon. None of us is a native speaker of english, so the
resulting text is not likely to meet the quality criteria (in terms of
language) for being published. You help is, therefore, appreciated. Anyone
willing to volunteer for a language revision of the chapter, please get in
contact with us.



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