[OSGeo-Edu] Educational content for the Live DVD

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Wed Mar 11 21:37:28 EDT 2009

Mark Leslie wrote:

 > In particular, I'm interested in what Edu material is available that 
people think should be included.

 > So if you know of any material that would be of interest, please let 
us know.  Ideally we want these to be catalogued in the
 > education database[2] as well so our DVD team can find them easily.
> > [1]http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Packages#Available_packages
> > [2]http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content
Dear OSGeo education folks:

1) Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to add your entries to 
#2 above. We have at least 6 new entries which is *great.* If you 
haven't added material you have from the old education inventory wiki 
page, please move your metadata over... Or if you have new material, 
please add it! Thanks to Mark Leslie for his leadership on the 
DVD/education material linkages.

2) I'm writing our group's annual OSGeo progress report to get to Tyler 
Mitchell. I'm having trouble getting time to write it, but will do so in 
the next few days. I'll send it out to the group for comment before I 
send him the final version.

3) After I do #2, I want to have a dialog on what we think our group's 
goals for the next 6 months are, and develop some subcommittees with 
subcommittee chairs so we can get a more momentum. Ideas are welcome.


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