[OSGeo-Edu] Tracking a GIS Core Curriculum

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Mon Sep 14 15:12:20 EDT 2009

Recently a few of us were discussing some Education ideas at a meeting
at University of Denver - I found the discussion very encouraging.  The
topic of curriculum, naturally, came up.  I know we've kicked around
quite a few aspects to it on this list and in our own meetings, so I
went back to:
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Core_Curriculum_Project and saw some similar
ideas presented there.  

The one common idea that has come up a few times recently is where to
focus OSGeo efforts.  Collecting course material is obviously important,
but I'm wondering if we might want to try to fit them into an overall
structure.  It was suggested that we build on top of existing curriculum
by creating (or collecting) workshop materials that help apply the
topics being taught.  This may be as simple as identify which
chapter/topic or subject a particular FOSS workshop applies to - or it
may be more tightly coupled to a curriculum in other ways.

My question is, what curriculum framework are people more familiar with
or believe are more valuable to track?

A few people have mentioned the GIS&T Body of Knowledge:
and more, sample chapter, etc:
Their divisions and categories are shown well on the flyer:

I believe some of the editors or authors are on our mailing list even.
Are there other options for core model curricula you are using?

Is this the one we should track?  Who has a copy of the book and could
recommend it further?  I've had a few excellent recommendations already,
but thought I'd move the discussion over to this list to help determine
next steps.

Any other related ideas?

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