[OSGeo-Edu] Re: Infrastructure and templates for training material
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 07:57:19 EDT 2010
Tom Worthington wrote:
> ICE incorporates HTML Slidy <http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy>.
> This allows for PowerPoint type functionality within the web version of
> the ICE documents. I have used Slidy for years to give presentations,
> with few of the audience ever noticing that what they are looking at is
> a web page, not a PowerPoint document.
> One advantage of Slidy is that it allows for automated language
> translation. As the presentation is just a web page, web translators can
> be used. Someone looking at a web page through a translator, will see
> not only the normal web version of the notes translated, but the slides
> as well. bviously machine translation is not as good as a custom one,
> but it is avialable with no effort by the creator of the presentation.
This technology looks really cool, but unfortunately I don't see us
picking it up, as one of our key criteria for creating templates is that
it can integrate with technologies already in use. Ie, We need people to
be able to easily copy to and from Open Office Impress or MS Powerpoint.
> By the way, OSGEO have an interesting directory of educational material
> <http://www.osgeo.org/education>.
> But I couldn't find any of the actual training material, nor does it
> appear to be visible to web search engines. As the use of creative
> commons licenses is promoted, there would seem to be no reason why the
> training materials can't be freely available and visible.
> Tools such as ICE and Moodle produce searchable web pages. This greatly
> increases the visibility of the training materials, as they can be found
> with a web search. The person searching does not need to know of the
> existence of OSGEO, they would just need to search for words somewhere
> in the course content.
Tom, Yes I think this is a good idea, and will would be likely be
blessed and used by the OSGeo education volunteers, if someone is
prepared to set up Moodle and ICE for all to use.
(Lurkers with an interest are welcome to speak up at this point)
> ps: Geoscience is not my field, although I have dabbled with a satellite
> fire mapping system <http://www.tomw.net.au/2003/enet.html>.
Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
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