[OSGeo-Edu] Re: [Aust-NZ] Superficial review of copyright issues related to collection and publication of education material on OSGeo Website (LINK)

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 16:50:37 EDT 2010

On 03/08/10 13:45, Robert Coup wrote:
> By using a No-Derivatives license it prevents an author from taking
> your tutorial with Australian datums/data/references and swapping it
> for Ugandan information, but otherwise leaving the workflows the same.
> Or using a different FOSS package to perform the same tasks. Or
> combining several Australian tutorials into a larger work. Or even
> fixing a bug in your original tutorial.

For the same reasons Robert mentions, when setting the framework for a 
community creating documentation for the OSGeo-Live DVD, or a future 
OSGeo-Live tutorial material, I'd set one of the conditions of 
participation that all material must allow derivatives.
This is so that documentation created can continue to be maintained by 
another author, if the original author stops participating for some 
reason or another.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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