[OSGeo-Edu] Our past discussions about curriculum collaboration

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Mon Aug 16 15:54:17 EDT 2010

Hi Dan,

Daniel Ames wrote:
> Charlie et al, 
> On question #3 I'd love to see generic GIS lab exercises that can be 
> executed in any number of desktop GIS tools. How could this be 
> crafted? Maybe we come up with 10 exercises and we could write all the 
> generic material define the format etc. then invite participants from 
> each of the desktop GIS teams to edit it with their own screen 
> captures and specifics. This would be totally cool because then we'd 
> have 3 to 5 lab manuals that teach the identical material - each one 
> using different software.  What do you (and others) think of this 
> approach?

... and we could follow the production guidelines that Cameron was 
outlining... I have an introductory GIS course for natural resource 
conservation students where I have a whole set of lab exercises I could 
pick and choose from, and I'm sure you and others do too. If others 
agree, maybe we can start a wiki page organizing the kinds of exercises 
we each have to offer.

Depending on if others think +1 too, is a goal to have a draft with at 
least some exercises completed by FOSS4G doable? And would anyone be 
interested in becoming an editor? ( I'm possibly willing to do it as a 
co-editor but would want /need some help...)


P.S. By the way, congrats to Ned Horning in our group for his new book: 
"Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation", just published by Oxford 
(there is a paperback version too).  

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