[OSGeo-Edu] OSGeo in academia courses
maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it
maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it
Sat Aug 28 18:16:59 EDT 2010
Hi Helena, many thanks.
Here a short list of italian courses where FOSS GIS are taught (at
least those I have known):
Name of the Course - University - Teacher - link - used packages
Sistemi Informativi Territoriali - Palermo University - Andrea Scianna
http://www.dirap.unipa.it/~scianna/sit_scgeo_2005-06.htm#sc_geo_prot_civ -
Sistemi Informativi Territoriali - Insubria University - Damiano Preatoni -
http://biocenosi.dipbsf.uninsubria.it/didattica/SIT.html - QGIS, GRASS
Cartografia Numerica e GIS (Digital Cartography and GIS) - Trento
University - Paolo Zatelli -
http://www.ing.unitn.it/~zatelli/cartografia_numerica.html - GRASS,
Mapserver, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, QGIS
Def. Quota Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu>:
> As you probably already know I will be talking about FOSS4G in academia
> at a plenary in Barcelona. The talk is shorter (15min) than a regular
> presentation but I am sure the slides will be available on-line.
> Therefore, I would like to make the material more representative
> of the broader FOSS4G academic community by including links to programs
> that offer full semester courses with significant
> FOSS4G component so that people interested in FOSS4G education can
> look them up.
> If you would like to have your program or course included on the plenary
> talk slide please email me a link and a title of the course/program.
> We can post this information on the OSGEo Edu website too.
> I have in mind courses that are offered as part of regular curricula
> (as required or electives) or at least are offered on a regular basis.
> In addition to NCSU, ASU and Milan I have so far found the folllowing
> (based on OSGEo edu materials, recent conferences and personal contacts):
> Penn State : Open Web Mapping MS GIS elective,(Ian Turton will be
> there and has a talk)
> Toronto: 20 years GIS analysis courses with GRASS (Doc Robinson)
> UCDavis Intro to GIS: QGIS, GRASS, R
> University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Intro to spatial technology
> undergrad with QGIS (Charlie you are comming I guess)
> Cleveland State university: Advanced GIS with PostGIS, QGIS, Openlayers
> ASU GeoDa Spatial statistics for economic development
> I am sure there is more.
> thank you,
> Helena
> Helena Mitasova
> Associate Professor
> Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
> North Carolina State University
> Raleigh, NC 27695
> hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
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