[OSGeo-Edu] licensing (or not) edu material

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Mon Jul 26 20:23:44 EDT 2010

Hi Simon,

Simon Cropper wrote:
> On Monday 26 July 2010 23:19:08 Charlie Schweik wrote:
> reports that are attributed to me (for better or worse). Releasing work
> that I have no control over its use or abuse is totally against my grain.
So Simon, is your concern (A) over a license that allows new derivative 
work (and loss of control of quality, etc with your name on it) that 
bothers you, or does (B) the general release of material (open access) 
but with a "no derivative" restriction and an Attribution clause also 
bother you? Would you be OK with releasing some of your content if it 
didn't allow new derivative work?

Second, is there a "CC" license that would work for you? I think the 
main point again is that if you are willing to make any of your material 
available through our group's inventory system you should license it as 
you see fit to meet your own concerns. So do any of the CC licenses work 
for you given your concerns?

> My point is - licensing is an issue restricting the release of 
> educational material on the Internet.
Third - I find this a very interesting and important conversation for 
our group. I think we should have an IRC chat on this topic alone, with 
Puneet on (he's been working with CC) and maybe even through him we 
could get another CC representative to attend so these 
questions/concerns can be raised.

But I think the first IRC meeting needs to be about our group's goals in 
general and then we can line up another IRC (assuming that works OK for 
us) to focus on this issue in particular (or others that the group feels 
we should have).



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